“Feathered Fury: Intense Aerial Showdown as an Owl Defends its Nest Against an Intruding Hawk”

Wings spread and talons out, an angry owl was furious that a hawk perched near to its nest and the pair quickly came to blows in a fierce mid-air clash. After watching the hungry red-shouldered hawk circle for a meal, the protective barred owl locked eyes with its adversary when it landed. Within seconds it had launched itself towards its fellow raptor, battling in mid-air before ripping out feathers with its talons.

Talons out: After watching the hungry red-shouldered hawk circle for a meal, the protective barred owl battled the red-shouldered hawk after it landed near its nest

Locking eyes with its adversary, the owl lashed out at the hungry hawk near Sarasota, Florida. The dramatic images were captured by photographer Marina Scarr

Clutching the hawk with its talons the owl ripped feathers from the hawk which then retreated empty handed and hungry

Photographer Marina Scarr captured the dramatic bird battle in her hometown of Sarasota in Florida.’Every winter a pair of barred owls nest near my friend’s home,’ she said. ‘I was photographing one of the pair when a red-shouldered hawk appeared and perched nearby.


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